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Thursday, January 19, 2023

0:02 / 10:27 She Wakes up & Finds Her Husband Alive a Day After he Died in a Car Accident

 In a beautiful American town in the suburbs, Jim  and Linda live with their daughters Bridgette  

and Megan. They have a beautiful life together,  although lately things have become tense because  

Jim is constantly out on business trips. One  afternoon, the phone rings and Linda doesn't  

pick it up on time. The one leaving a message is  Jim, who is away on another trip. He says he meant  

what he said in front of the girls the other night  and that he wants Linda to remember it, but before  

he can add more, he has to hang up because he's  getting another call. Linda doesn't understand the  

message and calls him back, but she also gets the  answering machine and asks Jim to call her back  

before going back to her chores. This includes  putting some stickers on the glass windows to  

avoid accidents. Sometime later, Linda gets a  visit from Sheriff Reilly, who brings bad news:  

yesterday Jim died in a car accident with a truck.  Linda doesn't understand because she just got his  

message on the machine, but Reilly assures her  it's true, leaving her in a devastated yet numb  

state. Crying, Linda goes through the motions  around the house before going to the school to  

pick up her daughters, not giving them the news  until they're safe at home. A few hours later,  

Linda's mother Joanne comes to the house to help  her daughter with everything, and Linda calls her  

best friend Annie for help too, but she's met with  the answering machine again. That night, Joanne  

stays in the guest's room, but Linda falls asleep  on the couch clinging to a wedding picture. The  

next morning, Linda wakes up in her bed, wearing  different clothes. She assumes her mother moved  

her but when she goes to check on her, Joanne is  nowhere to be found. When she hears some noises,  

Linda goes downstairs, and she's shocked to  find Jim casually having breakfast as usual.  

Linda feels rather awkward because if it was all  a dream it felt incredibly real, but obviously  

this is better. After dropping the girls at  school, Linda checks the answering machine,  

but it doesn't have any messages. When she goes  out to the grocery store, she's so distracted  

that she almost hits another car. Sheriff Reilly  comes to check on her and gives her a warning,  

but he doesn't recognize her. At the store, Linda  meets with Annie and asks her if yesterday she  

received a message from her, but Annie says she  didn't. Afterward Linda goes home to keep working  

on her chores. She starts with the laundry and  is surprised to find some clothes that she was  

sure she already washed. Then when she goes to  the garden to hang the clothes, she accidentally  

trips on a toy and falls on top of a dead crow,  which covers her in blood. Feeling disgusted,  

Linda rushes to wash her hands and throw the crow  in the trash. Later during dinner and bedtime,  

Linda can't stop staring at Jim, not believing  he is real. The following morning, Linda  

wakes up alone in bed wearing Jim's shirt. She  discovers many details that confuse her further:  

there's a bottle of wine on her night table,  all the mirrors around the house are covered  

with blankets, and there's a bottle of medicine  in the kitchen sink. To make matters worse,  

when she goes downstairs, she discovers Joanne and  Annie are handling Jim's funeral. Linda freaks out  

because she swears there's something wrong and  nobody understands when she says Jim is alive,  

so she ignores her friends' worry and goes looking  for their daughters. The girls are in the garden,  

and when Linda checks on them, she's disturbed  to discover Bridgette has her face covered with  

scars, although Megan still thinks she's the  most beautiful princess. Bridgette wants to know  

what it was like when Jim died, and when Linda  answers she doesn't know because she wasn't there,  

Bridgette wonders how they can know he's  dead then. Later when the hearse arrives  

at the graveyard, Linda demands to be allowed to  look at the body. The funeral workers don't want  

to open the coffin because Jim got hurt badly in  the accident, and Linda begins arguing with them  

because it's her right to see. The employees  get nervous and accidentally drop the coffin,  

causing Jim's head to roll out and Linda to break  down. Once the coffin is brought to the grave,  

the priest says some words, and Linda notices  a woman watching the ceremony from afar. Joanne  

doesn't know who it is, so Linda goes to ask her,  but Claire says they already talked yesterday and  

leaves in her car, not caring about the fact Linda  swears she never saw her before in her life. When  

the family returns home, Linda takes a closer  look at the medicine bottle and discovers it was  

prescribed by Dr. Roth. Linda looks for him in the  yellow pages and finds the corresponding page was  

torn off, but when she's about to give up, she  looks away and discovers the missing page is in  

the trash. Linda tries to call Roth's office, but  it's already closed for the day. In the evening,  

the family receives a weird visit: Linda  doesn't recognize him but this is Dr. Roth,  

who is here with Reilly to take Linda away under  the suspicion she hurt Bridgette on purpose.  

Joanne begs her daughter to explain how Bridgette  got those scares, but Joanne doesn't remember and  

begins freaking out at the accusation. A bunch of  nurses grab her by force and take her away in an  

ambulance. Moments later at the hospital, Linda  is left tied to a bench and she gets to overhear  

Roth telling Reilly that Linda came to see him  on Wednesday and she already knew her husband  

would die. This makes Reilly think Jim's death may  not have been an accident after all. Afterward,  

Roth puts Linda to sleep with an injection,  ignoring her pleas for mercy. The next morning,  

Linda wakes up in her house again. Noises from  the bathroom indicate Jim's back, and Linda rushes  

to cling to him under the shower, not caring  if she gets wet too. When the girls wake up,  

Linda discovers the scars are gone and calls them  both her beautiful princesses. Sometime later,  

she feels a weird smell coming from the trashcan  and discovers the dead crow is still there,  

decomposing as if weeks had passed. This makes her  nervous so she rushes inside to find the page with  

Roth's number, only to find it still intact inside  the book. Moments later, Linda goes to see Roth,  

who doesn't recognize her. She tells him all  about the visions she's been having, and after  

he checks for any possible mental illness, Roth  prescribes the same medicine Linda has seen on  

her sink. Afterward she goes to see Jim at his  office to ask him why he doesn't spend more time  

at home. She wants to go away with him and the  girls and to have a proper talk with her husband,  

but Jim has a meeting to attend. At that moment,  Claire shows up and introduces herself to Linda  

as if she didn't know her, then she takes Jim to  the meeting. Watching them together makes Linda  

realize Jim is cheating on her. Later at home,  Linda decides to throw the medicine in the sink.  

Suddenly a storm hits the area and Linda asks her  daughters to help her bring the laundry inside.  

Bridgette runs without paying attention and ends  up crashing against the glass window, getting her  

whole body hurt. Linda immediately takes Bridgette  to the hospital and is shortly joined by Jim,  

who promises everything is going to be fine. In  the evening, Bridgette is allowed to go home,  

she's healthy but her face is full of scars.  Linda covers all the mirrors of the house so  

Bridgette can't see herself, and tells both of her  daughters they're beautiful princesses. Afterward,  

Linda goes to check on Jim, who is in a bad mood.  He wonders why Linda didn't put the stickers on  

the windows like she promised, and Linda explains  that she thought she did. Jim doesn't believe her  

and says she invited Joanne to stay a few days  to help Linda, implying she's been acting crazy.  

Linda begins crying and swears she's a good mom,  but she's ignored. Sometime later, Linda finds the  

yellow page in her pocket and throws it in the  trash. This makes her realize she's been living  

through all the things that she saw in those weird  dreams, which means she's been having visions of  

the future and she can use this information to  impact the present. She grabs some pen and paper  

and draws a timeline with all the things she  knows, coming to the conclusion Jim will die in  

this timeline during her next business trip. This  prompts Linda to ask Jim not to go on that trip,  

but Jim disagrees, pointing out that their  relationship needs some space. The next morning,  

Linda wakes up on the couch, and Joanne is still  around the house. Linda finds the timeline she  

made and adds more information, realizing Claire  is another contradicting point she needs to  

clarify. After leaving the girls with Joanne,  Linda goes to see Claire and confirms that she  

was having an affair with Jim. Then she goes to  see Annie to share how upset she's about the whole  

deal, but she also wonders if it was a good thing  that the accident happened because Jim's affair  

could've destroyed the family. A few hours later,  Linda goes to the bank to confirm the mortgage  

and her daughters' education have been taken care  of; Jim also left her an annuity. To her surprise,  

the banker says Jim was here before he left on  the trip, looking very nervous and wanting to be  

sure his family would be fine without him. Next  Linda goes to watch the local lake for a moment  

of peace, and a man that lives nearby tells her  this is the perfect place to move to when you  

need to start over. Lastly, she goes to make the  arrangements for Jim's funeral. In the evening,  

Linda goes to bed with wine and Jim's shirt.  When Joanne checks on her, Linda asks if letting  

Jim die is the same as killing him, but Joanne  doesn't understand the question. The next morning,  

Linda wakes up with Jim and tells him to spend  the day with the girls in the park. Meanwhile she  

goes to see Father Kennedy to share her situation.  Kennedy tells her about many cases of unexplained  

phenomena in history and how they were seen as  "dangers of the faithless" because they came from  

people who lost their faith and were desperate. In  Kennedy's opinion, Linda needs to concentrate on  

what's important in her life and fight for it, but  Linda doesn't know what she's fighting for. Next,  

Linda goes to Mile 220, where Jim's accident  is supposed to happen. All the visions she's  

been having rush to her mind and distract her  to the point she doesn't see a car coming,  

but luckily she moves away just in time. In the  evening, when the girls are about to go to bed,  

Linda demands Jim tell them he loves them. Jim  promises he loves his daughters and his wife  

more than everything else in the world. Then  Linda goes outside to catch some fresh air,  

and when Jim comes to check on her, an argument  ensues. Linda wants things to be like in the  

old times, but Jim's sure he's giving the family  everything and can't understand what she wants.  

All of a sudden, lightning strikes a power line  and kills the crow that Linda would find later  

in the timeline. The couple runs back inside and  Linda apologizes to Jim for her behavior, then  

the two of them get frisky. When they're done,  Linda confesses she's dreamed about Jim's death,  

but Jim promises everything's going to be fine  and it was just a dream. The next morning, Linda  

wakes up and panics when she doesn't see Jim. She  calls Annie to confirm in which timeline she's in,  

then finds a note from Jim saying he's dropping  the girls at school before leaving for his trip.  

Linda runs out of the house while calling Jim  to stop him, but Jim is too busy to pick up,  

first with the girls and then with going to the  bank to arrange everything for his family. The  

talk Jim had with Linda last night won't leave  his head, and when he gets in his car to go on  

the trip, he decides to call Claire and end  their affair. Then he calls the house phone  

and leaves the message on the answering machine  that Linda heard at the beginning of the story.  

When he hangs up because another call is coming  in, it is Linda herself calling him from her car  

because she's following him on the road to try to  stop him. Linda apologizes for everything and when  

Jim is about to confess the affair, Linda says  she already knows and doesn't care, prompting  

Jim to promise they will begin working on their  relationship more and start over properly. At  

that moment, Jim sees Linda in the car mirror and  pulls over to wait for her. Linda gets ready for a  

reunion but she freaks out when she notices they  are on Mile 220, the spot of the accident. She  

urgently tells Jim to turn the car around, and as  soon as Jim moves, a car comes from the opposite  

direction, thankfully Jim gets out of the way just  in time. Linda is happy to see her husband is fine  

but it seems she forgot Reilly had mentioned a  truck caused the accident. Jim tries to start the  

car again to get off the road but the engine isn't  working, and suddenly the infamous truck shows up,  

crashing right against Jim's vehicle. Linda runs  to check on him, but before she can come closer,  

both vehicles explode, and Linda has a  breakdown as she finally understands the  

future can't be changed. Many months later,  the girls wake Linda up from her nap when the  

moving trucks arrive to pick them up. Linda is  happy to see Bridgette's scars are mostly gone  

and remembers Kennedy telling her to fight  for what matters the most. Currently, what  

matters the most is Linda's belly, because she  is pregnant thanks to that last night with Jim.

wandavision tagalog movie script


Welcome to Recap King. In this video, we will explain a series released in 2021 titled WandaVision. This series portrays how Wanda & Vision, both oddly super powerful couples, hide their superpowers from other people in Westview & try to live like a normal couple. But things aren't the way it seems because reality is different. How's their story? Let's find out in WandaVision. WandaVision begins with a black and white scene that shows the happiness of a newlywed couple. They recently moved into a house and initially lived life like a television series. The two couples are Wanda Maximoff and Vision, two figures with superpowers. After the scene where Wanda throws the plate at Vision and is followed by a laugh track like a television sitcom, the two see a heart on the calendar. Neither of them remembered the special day, so they had a heart on the calendar. Even so, Wanda and Vision quickly decided that they would celebrate their anniversary on that day. After Vision left for work, he didn't forget to hide his appearance as an android robot when their neighbor, Agnes, came to visit. Wanda invited Agnes to come into the house and then they had a friendly conversation. Agnes even gave a good idea for Wanda and Vision's anniversary celebration later. Elsewhere, Vision is shown working at a computer company and easily doing various tasks considering that he is an android robot created using artificial intelligence. While at work, his boss named Mr. Hart walked over to Vision's table and reminded him of their plans for dinner at his house later. Vision then contacted Wanda at home to convey the plan. At the same time, saying that the heart on the calendar seems to mark an appointment to have dinner with Mr. Hart and his wife. Even so, Wanda still misunderstood and thought it was their anniversary. In the evening, Vision went home with Mr. Hart and his wife. Wanda welcomed her husband home wearing a sexy dress, which of course surprised them all. Then Vision pulled Wanda into the kitchen and explained the dinner plans with Mr. Hart, making Wanda panic because she did not make any preparations. Fortunately, Wanda is no ordinary woman. She then used her magic power to change clothes into neat dresses and also prepared dinner with the help of Agnes who came to bring cooking ingredients. Wanda's attempt to prepare dinner with this magic almost caught by Mr. Hart and his wife, but Vision quickly distracts them. Long story short, dinner was successfully prepared and the four of them sat around the dining table. Throughout dinner, Mr. Hart and his wife ask about Wanda and Vision, such as where they came from, until the wedding date. However, Wanda and Vision were confused about answering the question, which annoyed Mr. Hart. The situation turns into panic when Mr. Hart suddenly chokes, forcing Vision to use his powers to save his life. After dinner, Mr. Hart and his wife went home. Wanda and Vision who lived alone at home, sat on the sofa and began to think about the questions. They finally decided that it was their anniversary and Wanda created a wedding ring for them to wear. The end of episode one shows Wanda and Vision being watched like a television show. The story continues this time, showing the two of them sleeping in the room when there was a loud bang. Even though she was scared, Wanda checked the origin of the sound, which turned out to be the wind on a tree branch. After knowing this, Wanda and Vision went back to sleep. The scene changes to a stick-in intro, showing Wanda and Vision trying to hide their powers from the residents and friends. After that, the scene again shows Wanda and Vision at their house. This time they both practice magic for a charity event that will be held in Westview. Wanda reminded them to act like normal humans at the event later. After practicing magic, Vision went to work. This is when Wanda again hears a mysterious banging sound that apparently came from outside the house. In the bushes, Wanda finds a red toy helicopter, which is the only color in the black and white scene. While Wanda was still looking questioningly at the helicopter toy, she was surprised by the arrival of Agnes, who invited her to attend the community committee event led by Dottie. At that time, Wanda became acquainted with one of her other neighbors named Geraldine. The committee gathering was apparently also carried out by the men in the housing complex. Vision attended the event and became acquainted with other male neighbors. That's when one of their neighbors offers Vision chewing gum, which he is forced to eat to look like a normal human. Unfortunately, Vision accidentally swallowed the gum, which directly affected the mechanical system in his body. Back to the committee event, Wanda was at, where Dottie didn't seem to like it. Meanwhile, Wanda heard something strange again. This time a male voice on the radio seemed to be calling her name. Fast forward to the charity event. Vision looks weird because his system has problems after swallowing chewing gum. But they have no choice but to keep performing magic acts. That's when the unexpected happened when Vision suddenly flew away. It turned out that Vision had lost control of himself due to a system malfunction. The audience was initially taken aback, but Wanda quickly made it seem like Vision's flying stunt was part of the magic show. Their magic action then received a standing ovation from the audience. Especially in the next magic act, Wanda uses magic to get Geraldine out of the box. After their performance, the chewing gum that was accidentally swallowed managed to escape by itself from Vision's body. Then they rushed out of the charity event. When they get home, Wanda and Vision talk about their plans to have children. Surprisingly at that time, Wanda's stomach grew, indicating that she was pregnant. Then, they were startled by a booming sound when they were about to kiss. Vision rushed out of the house to check where outside. A beekeeper was coming out of the manhole on the street in front of the house. Wanda apparently didn't want the beekeeper so she turned to the time before they heard the boom. They were back in the living room and would kiss to express their happiness over Wanda's pregnancy. Surprisingly at that time, the appearance of scenes that were originally black and white became color, which was a hint that Wanda Vision was about to enter the 1970s when television shows were already in color. The next day, a doctor checked on Wanda's pregnancy and made sure she and the baby were fine. When escorting the doctor out of the house, Vision was surprised to see his neighbor sawing the fence. The strange thing happened again when Vision returned home and Wanda's stomach grew bigger. Vision didn't think about the oddities of Wanda's pregnancy and helped her prepare for the nursery. Wanda's pregnancy process was apparently so fast because not long after that, she experienced contractions. Strange things continue to happen where when Wanda has contractions, the electronics in the house seem to be alive. Vision, who felt even more astonished, questioned Wanda about the strangeness, who again went back in time until he forgot all the oddities and didn't ask anything. Wanda's membranes ruptured, making Vision even more panicked and called the doctor. Unfortunately, at that time the doctor was on vacation, which finally forced Vision to use his powers to pick up the doctor. At the same time, Geraldine came to their house to borrow a bucket. At first Wanda tried to cover up her pregnancy but that became increasingly impossible as she continued to have contractions. Until finally, Geraldine also helped Wanda give birth to two twins, named Billy and Tommy. The birth process then makes things in their home move on their own as if alive. Vision finally drove the doctor back home and that's when he saw Agnes and their next-door neighbor, Herb, gossiping. He finally came to the two of them and Agnes then explained that Geraldine was not actually from that city. Geraldine doesn't even have a home or a family. On the other hand, Geraldine helps Wanda look after her twins. Wanda then says that she also had a twin brother in the past. Surprisingly, Geraldine said she already knew that. She then reveals about Wanda's twin brother, Pietro, who was killed by Ultron. Of course this made Wanda surprised until she finally saw the symbol on Geraldine's necklace which was the same as the symbol on the helicopter toy she had found earlier. The moving scene shows Vision re-entering the house and asking where Geraldine is. Wanda simply explained that Geraldine was in a hurry to get home. Meanwhile, on the other side of Westview, Geraldine was apparently thrown out of a static portal and fell on the grass. At that time, a group of S.W.O.R.D. Troops, who had built a base there, surrounded her. The next episode moves to the figure of a woman named Monica Rambeau who just returned after the Blip, which happened because of Thanos' snap in Avengers: Endgame. Monica wakes up in the hospital room but panics because she can't find her mother, Maria Rambeau. While looking for her mother, Monica finally finds out that Maria had died of cancer 2 years earlier. A doctor then explained that Monica had been missing for 5 years. Long story short, Maria visited the office of S.W.O.R.D. where she and Maria used to work. Acting Director Tyler Hayward greeted her, who immediately assigned her to handle Wanda's case at Westview. Monica, who was already excited to return to work, headed straight for Westview, where she met an FBI agent named Jimmy Woo. Jimmy explains the situation at Westview and the strangeness that the police seem to be covering up about the city. Monica also has the idea of ??using a toy helicopter-shaped drone to investigate the situation inside Westview. But she was surprised when she saw the helicopter drone disappear after entering a border area. She became even more curious and finally tried to touch the barrier, making her seem drawn inside. Monica's disappearance leaves S.W.O.R.D. deploy troops to lay siege to Westview. Among the troops, Dr. Darcy Lewis was also assigned to study the strange phenomena. They all set up base outside the Westview area, where Dr. Darcy accidentally found a strange signal coming from inside. Tyler also sends an army of S.W.O.R.D. trying to get into Westview through the sewer line. Apparently the signal found by Dr. Darcy is a television channel that broadcasts the sitcom Wanda and Vision. An investigation was conducted and the FBI and S.W.O.R.D. find out who the people in the sitcom on Westview are. These include Wanda, Vision, Agnes, and Herb. In the television broadcast they watched, it was also seen that there was Monica, who played a character named Geraldine. FBI with S.W.O.R.D. keep trying to get in and communicate with Wanda. One of them is through a radio broadcast, where Jimmy calls out Wanda's name, which Wanda had previously heard on the radio at a committee event. Likewise, the male beekeeper was previously seen by Wanda coming out of the manhole, who is actually the S.W.O.R.D. that Tyler sent and made into Westview. From television, Dr. Darcy and Jimmy watch the scene where Wanda starts to get suspicious of Geraldine and finally Geraldine just disappears from the show. Whereas what happened at that time, Wanda realized that Geraldine was an intruder named Monica. Then she uses magic power to get Monica out of Westview and repairs all the damage on the wall just before Vision re-enters the house. But the strange thing happened because at that moment, Wanda saw Vision turning into his dead figure after being killed by Thanos. The scene shows Wanda and Vision having trouble taking care of two twins. But when Agnes came and wanted to help, Vision, who was already suspicious of her, refused. At that time the unexpected happened when Agnes asked Wanda if they could redo the scene's script so that Vision would allow her to look after the twins. Wanda was confused even though in the end she still asked Vision to let Agnes take care of their two children. After that Vision called Wanda and asked about the strangeness of Agnes' question. Before Wanda could answer, Vision was surprised that the crying of their twins had stopped. Especially because he saw the two twins, who previously were a pair of babies, had grown into 5-year-old toddlers. Meanwhile, Agnes seemed to see that there was nothing strange about this. The scene moves beyond Westview, where the investigators find something odd about Monica's body. In a meeting held by S.W.O.R.D. and the FBI, Jimmy introduces Wanda to the troops involved. He then revealed what good deeds have been done by Wanda so far. Unlike Jimmy, Tyler actually tells about what damage Wanda has done. He even called Wanda a terrorist. Tyler's opinion was also refuted by Monica, who said that Wanda was actually a good person. The proof is that Wanda didn't hurt Monica when she got her out of Westview. To confirm his claim, Tyler then showed a CCTV video recording where Wanda was about to steal Vision's body stored in the S.W.O.R.D. office. Even though they've seen the evidence, Jimmy and Monica still don't believe Tyler's explanation. At Westview, Wanda finds Billy and Tommy hiding a puppy in the kitchen. Wanda initially didn't agree with them keeping the dog but Agnes came back to visit and this time happened to bring a dog house. They then had little choice but to allow Tommy and Billy to pet the puppy. They even finally named the puppy Sparky after he played with electric wires. At that time Wanda used the power of magic to make Sparky's necklace. Vision sees this and then scolds Wanda for showing her power to Agnes, which Wanda doesn't really care about. Meanwhile, Vision told Billy and Tommy they shouldn't have puppies before 10 years old. Right at that moment, like magic Billy and Tommy grew taller and were already 10-year-old kids. Back at S.W.O.R.D. outside Westview, Monica explains that the form of energy within the city is hexagonal. So they finally called the inaccessible area of ??Westview as Hex. During a meeting with Dr. Darcy and Jimmy, Monica reveals their plans to re-enter the Hex with the help of a space engineer. While studying Hex photos taken from the sitcom Wanda Vision, Monica sees the toy helicopter Wanda had previously taken and recognizes it as the drone she sent her. She realized something and rushed back to the lab, where she tried to shoot at the clothes she was wearing when she got out of Hex. To Jimmy and Dr. Darcy, Monica explained that when she entered Hex, she was wearing a bullet-proof suit, and it turns out that the clothes she used when she left Hex were made of the same material. It's just that the dress model has changed. Monica finally concludes that Wanda's superpowers are being used to rewrite reality. So that the object in Hex changes shape according to Wanda's wishes but does not change its original essence. In this case, Wanda changes the objects to match the year in the sitcom. Monica also had the idea of ??including something from the 70s so Wanda wouldn't have to change it. The scene shifts to Vision, teaching his colleagues at the office to open emails. At that time, Vision actually received an email from Dr. Darcy that all his colleagues at the office read. Vision looks confused and uses his powers to free a male coworker. The man suddenly came to his senses and begged Vision to save him from a woman. At that time Vision, who was still confused, was forced to return the man to his original state. At home, Wanda spends time with Tommy and Billy. While playing, Wanda tells about Pietro, her twin brother who is currently far away. But suddenly, Sparky jumped down from Billy's lap and ran out of the house. Wanda follows her pet dog and sees an old drone that Monica uses to communicate with her outside the house. Wanda apparently couldn't hear Monica's voice. Tyler, who followed the progress of Monica's experiment, immediately ordered to attack Wanda. It turns out that Tyler was secretly mounting a gun on the drone that Monica sent inside the Hex. Monica was furious that Tyler did this without telling her first. At that moment, an alarm sounded that made all the S.W.O.R.D. and the FBI out of the base. Outside they see Wanda coming out of the Hex border and throwing the drone at the troops. Wanda also seemed to ignore the number of troop weapons pointed at her and instead warned them not to bother her anymore. Monica slowly walked over and asked Wanda what she wanted. But Wanda said she had everything she wanted and didn't want them to bother her anymore. After that, Wanda unleashes an attack on Tyler which nearly kills him, before walking back into the Hex. At Westview, Wanda invites Billy and Tommy to find Sparky, who previously ran out of the house. On the way, they meet Agnes, who informs them that Sparky died after eating poison. Wanda's two children were of course very sad, and Tommy also said that Wanda would be able to bring Sparky back to life because her mother could fix everything. Hearing this, Wanda calmed her two children and then gave the understanding that it is not good to bring back something that is already dead. That night while at home, Vision again questioned the strange things that happened in their lives. He also insisted that there was something Wanda was hiding. Wanda did not want to answer the question and instead intended to close the sitcom. But Vision persisted, pressing Wanda with questions like who she was before they married and what was going on outside of Westview and other oddities. They almost got into a fight with each other out of power. Just then, the doorbell rang and Wanda opened the door. How surprised she was that behind the door was Pietro, even though his figure was not what it should be. Dr. Darcy, who watched the sitcom, said that Wanda had replaced Pietro's role on the show. Long story short, Pietro becomes an additional character in Wanda and Vision's family. He even played the role of a nosy uncle to Billy and Tommy. One day, Westview will celebrate Halloween and their family is ready to put on costumes. Even so, Pietro mocks Wanda who is wearing a witch costume. After that Pietro reminisced about their past when they celebrated Halloween, but strangely, Wanda remembered something different. Right at that moment, Vision also came down the stairs wearing a costume. However, he said he could not participate in the trick or treat event because he had a sudden job. Hearing this, Pietro then offered to accompany Billy and Tommy. Wanda finally agreed and they went on a trick-or-treat trip together around town. While walking together, Wanda asked about their childhood memories which Pietro mostly doesn't remember. Wanda couldn't have asked Pietro more because at that moment, Billy and Tommy came and took their uncle for candy. She ends up walking around on her own and accidentally runs into Vision's co-worker, who says there's no sudden work at the office. It turned out that Vision had lied about the sudden job and instead wandered off alone to investigate the town of Westview. That's when Vision saw some of the Westview occupiers do the same thing repeatedly as if experiencing a glitch and their facial expressions were full of sadness. Scene shifts to S.W.O.R.D. where Monica is still mad at Tyler for using a gun on a drone. Meanwhile, Tyler insists that Wanda is a terrorist. They argue again until Tyler finally disables Monica along with Jimmy and Dr. Darcy from the mission. S.W.O.R.D. Troops even drove them out of Westview, but Monica and Jimmy didn't stay still. They both paralyze the troops that drove them and are determined to stop Tyler's actions. After that they quietly return to the base and Dr. Darcy opens Tyler's personal data, where they discover that Tyler has been secretly tracking Vision. Monica saw that Vision was getting closer to the Hex border from the tracking signal. Near the border, Vision saw more people standing still. He also chose to fly to see the atmosphere more clearly, and in the distance, he saw a car. When approaching the car, it turned out that Agnes was in it. Vision then wakes Agnes using his power and Agnes's figure immediately pleads with Vision to save her. At that time, Agnes then informed that Vision had actually died. After bringing Agnes back to normal and promising to help her, Vision walked to Elles Avenue. On the other hand, Monica is preparing to enter the Hex with her friend escorted out. But Dr. Darcy warns that it will be very dangerous for Monica to return to Hex, considering that since the first time she enters and leaves, her body has undergone changes. Despite knowing this, Monica still insists on getting into Hex. Back at Westview, Pietro asks Wanda how to control the whole city. Wanda then told that it had just happened. But at that time, Wanda saw Pietro's figure who had died. Across Westview, Vision was trying to get out of Hex at the border. He tried his best to get out of Hex, where opposite the S.W.O.R.D. assembled and ready to attack. Even so, Vision couldn't get out completely. Instead, his body slowly crumbled and he seemed to be pulled back into the Hex. Dr. Darcy who saw this, was angry with Tyler, which caused her to be immediately arrested by the S.W.O.R.D. Tommy, who has inherited magical abilities from Wanda, senses a dangerous sign is happening to his father in the city. With Billy, who has the same powers as Pietro, runs back to tell Wanda. Pietro, who also heard this, joked that Vision would not be able to die twice. Those words angered Wanda and then attacked him. Meanwhile, Tommy continued to say that Vision was currently under military siege. Wanda gathers strength and expands Hex's capacity to encompass Vision. Tyler who saw this immediately fled but Dr. Darcy is instead carried into the Hex, as are the S.W.O.R.D. other equipment that changes with the times. The next day, Wanda woke up exhausted. It wasn't long before the two children came into the room, complaining about their changing toys. The same thing happened when Wanda was about to make breakfast. The things around her kept changing. Another oddity also occurs when the entire city uses Wanda's name without Vision. Apparently Vision woke up on the other side of Westview and around him was a circus troupe of S.W.O.R.D. At that time, Vision saw Dr. Darcy and knew her after seeing her outside the Hex last night, but of course Dr. Darcy doesn't remember Vision because she is still under the influence of Wanda's powers. Vision then awakens Dr. Darcy and she rushes to get Vision to meet Wanda. But the strange thing happened because along the way there were various obstacles as if Vision and Dr. Darcy were not allowed to meet Wanda. When the two of them were stuck in traffic because schoolchildren were crossing, Dr. Darcy then explains that Vision is actually dead. Whereas what Wanda is doing right now is because she is experiencing a very big sense of loss. The explanation by Dr. Darcy made Vision sad so he flew out of the car. Wanda asked her two children about Vision at home, who claimed they had not seen their dad. Then Billy and Tommy asked where Pietro was, to which Wanda immediately answered that Pietro was not their uncle. Just then Agnes came to offer to look after Billy and Tommy after seeing Wanda was sick. Wanda agreed and she decided to take a break. But Wanda couldn't rest because things in her house kept changing. In addition, she was also surprised that the cameraman, who had never spoken, suddenly communicated with her. The scene moved to Agnes's house and they were sitting together. Tommy, playing with Agnes' rabbit, suddenly said that Agnes' mind was very calm. Agnes then comforted the twins who were apparently very worried about Wanda. Outside of Hex, Tyler sends in reinforcements to prepare to enter Hex and attack Wanda. On the other hand, Monica's friend who is a space engineer has also prepared a special vehicle to enter Hex. But their efforts were not successful. The protection around the Hex is impenetrable and instead makes the car bounce. Monica did not want to give up and tried to get into the Hex herself without using a vehicle. This method seems to work. Even when inside Hex, Monica's clothes and her identity didn't change at all. It's just that a change occurs in her vision, where she has the power to see the energy in Hex. Monica rushes to Wanda's house and warns her about Tyler's attempt to turn Vision into a weapon. Monica's arrival not only made Wanda surprised but also angry. She uses superhuman strength to push Monica away, even accusing her of being the culprit who brought Pietro up. Even though she was attacked by Wanda, Monica was able to stay afloat because at that time she already had superpowers. She then tried to convince Wanda that they were on the same side but Wanda still wouldn't listen. Until finally Agnes who saw the incident, came over to calm her. Agnes brought Wanda home so she could calm down. Wanda felt another oddity at Agnes' house because she did not find Billy and Tommy. She began to walk around Agnes's house to look for her two children until finally she entered a mysterious room in the basement. There were books and other magical items in the room, which confused Wanda. Agnes came out from the other corner of the room and said that Wanda wasn't the only witch in Westview. She then introduced herself as Agatha Harkness, her real name. It was revealed that so far Agnes or Agatha had not been affected by Wanda's power. In fact, she has more roles such as being a director and also bringing in Pietro. Worse, it was also revealed that Agnes actually killed Sparky. Monica tries to follow Wanda to Agnes's house outside the house, but she is caught by Pietro. The scene changes to a flashback to 1963 in Salem. At that time Agatha was punished by her mother, Evanora, for betraying the wizarding community by studying black magic. Evanora was forced to execute Agatha because her abilities were very dangerous. But Agatha instead uses black magic to absorb the magic abilities of the female witches who want to execute her and then attack them back to death, including Evanora her mother. Back at Westview, Wanda asked Agatha about her twins and was about to attack the witch but her powers didn't work in the room. Looking around, she realized that Agatha had placed a rune that would be able to counteract her power. The runes used by Agatha are actually basic magic used for defense. So that when the rune is active, other magicians cannot attack. However, because Agatha had never studied magic, she did not know the information. Agatha turns to attack Wanda and then incapacitates her, and begins to reveal that she is the one who actually controls the city of Westview. Then Agatha asked where Wanda got the magic power, which unfortunately Wanda did not know. Finally, Agatha invites Wanda to explore her past. They both also witnessed Wanda's past since she was a child and lived with her two people and Pietro. They all lived happily ever after and at that time often watched sitcoms together, which then explains why Wanda created the sitcom Wanda Vision. However, this happiness did not last long because of the conflict in the country where Wanda's parents died because of a Stark Industry bomb that fell at their home. At that time Wanda had tried to use her powers to stop the bomb. It turns out that these memories are not what Agatha is looking for so they move to other memories when Wanda is undergoing experiments at the Hydra headquarters. The Mind Stone gave off energy as Wanda walked into the experiment room. At that time, something strange happened when the silhouette of a female witch appeared. The memories from the past confirm that the Mind Stone strengthens a magic power that already exists in Wanda's body. Agatha takes Wanda along with other memories, precisely when Wanda had just lost Pietro. When Wanda was sad and alone after losing her twin brother, Vision came to talk to her. Vision is an android robot so he has no emotional feelings. This apparently made Wanda happy and their relationship became even closer. The scene then changes and shows Wanda coming to S.W.O.R.D's office after Vision's death to look for his body. Tyler finally allows Wanda to view Vision's body, which is currently being dismantled by a team of scientists. Wanda is angry and breaks the window so she can see Vision one last time because Tyler refuses her request to bury Vision. One of Tyler's reasons is that Vision is not human and the vibranium used in his body is worth millions of dollars. Wanda finally returns to Westview, a small and quiet town where she and Vision had previously bought a plot of land to build their home. On that plot of land, Wanda's cries broke out which actually activated her power to affect the entire city of Westview. At that time, Wanda's power created a new Vision. Vision who also gets the power from the same Mind Stone as Wanda manages to live even though he is not in his original body. That's when Wanda finally brought Vision to come in and live together on the sitcom on Westview. The memory was apparently enough for Agatha to know the origin of Wanda's power. When bringing Wanda back to the current world, Agatha took her twin hostage and said that Wanda's power was ancient magic called Chaos Magic which was then revived through the Mind Stone. She also explains that the users of this legendary power are referred to as the Scarlet Witch. On the other side of the S.W.O.R.D. base, Tyler uses Wanda's powers previously used to attack drones to bring Vision to life. The experiment was successful, and Vision started to open his eyes to his real body. The fight between Agatha and Wanda takes place in Westview, where Agatha tries to absorb all of Wanda's powers. Just as Wanda was about to be cornered, White Vision, which was the result of Tyler's previous experiment, arrived because it was sent by Tyler. But Vision's arrival was not to save Wanda, but instead to kill her. Luckily, Westview's Vision created by Wanda came and saved her right at that moment. A fight ensues between the two Visions while Wanda still has to withstand Agatha's attack. Agatha finally took out her ancient spell book and alerted the residents of Westview so that they could suppress Wanda mentally. Sure enough, the citizens swarmed Wanda and urged her to free them from the influence of magic in Westview. The pressure made Wanda unable to contain herself until she finally opened Hex and freed all the residents, who immediately ran out of the city. But Wanda's actions also mean Westview's Vision is slowly disappearing, and so are Billy and Tommy. Wanda realizes this and tries to shut down Hex to save the twins and Vision. Unfortunately at that time, the S.W.O.R.D. had already made it into Westview. On the other hand, Monica who was previously captured by Pietro realizes that he is actually just an ordinary Westview citizen named Ralph Bohner. Monica did not wait long to attack Pietro and remove the necklace containing Agatha's spell which is the source of his power. The battle between Wanda and Agatha becomes even more heated with the arrival of the S.W.O.R.D. Wanda was forced to involve Billy and Tommy to handle the troops while facing Agatha. However, Billy and Tommy's strength is still so weak that they are quickly cornered by the attack of the S.W.O.R.D. When a shot was aimed at Billy and Tommy, Monica came and blocked the shot with her superhuman strength. Suddenly, a car driven by Dr. Darcy arrives and crashes into the S.W.O.R.D. including Tyler. Monica and the two twins survived. The two Visions were still fighting until one point, Westview's Vision negotiated with White Vision to be allowed access to the memories in his memory. He also regains all his memories, including his death because of Thanos. After that, White Vision flew away and Westview's Vision ran to hug Billy and Tommy. While on the other hand, Wanda uses a different way to defeat Agatha. She uses the power of mind manipulation and unlocks Agatha's past. But what happened was that Wanda was trapped in these memories and held back by the witches, who called her the Scarlet Witch. She manages to free herself from Agatha's memories and their fight takes place again in Westview. The fierce battle made Wanda cornered until she almost ran out of strength. When Agatha was ready to attack Wanda with all her strength, Wanda instead created runes around them which prevented Agatha from using her powers. Wanda then sucked all of Agatha's power, turning her into a Scarlet Witch. Agatha finally lost and Wanda manipulated her mind to trap her as Agnes. She is also cursed to live in Westview forever. All around them, Hex slowly started to disappear. Wanda and Vision find out about it and spend the last night as a family with Billy and Tommy. They took Billy and Tommy to bed while outside Hex was getting worse. Just as Wanda and Vision kissed at their farewell, the Hex was exhausted and Wanda's powers completely disappeared. The town of Westview is back to normal and Wanda is looking for Monica to apologize before she disappears. The ending of WandaVision shows Wanda starting to live in a house in a remote area to study Agatha's ancient magic book. In that peaceful solitude, Wanda heard the voices of her two children asking for help. Of course this is a sign that the adventures of Wanda and Scarlet Witch are not over. In Westview, Jimmy leads a city improvement project while Tyler is arrested by the FBI. At that time Monica was visited by two alien figures who said someone in outer space was calling her, signaling the start of Monica's adventure in the Marvel Universe. WandaVision's moral message is to come to terms with loss, not to use magical powers to try to create happiness.

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